Many treats provide health and wellness benefits that will keep your pup healthy, happy and may even extend the life…
Giving your dog a bone can be very dangerous, or, if you're well-informed and follow some simple rules, it can…
Dog treats are a great way to show your canine companion a little extra love. These special edibles can be…
The scoop on puppy food
As a responsible pet parent, you want to provide your furry friend with the best care possible. That includes a…
As dog owners grow more aware of differing canine nutritional needs and special diets, how we feed our dogs has…
Dog owners often strive to provide the best of everything for their pets. With some families viewing their dogs much…
Some dogs can be quite food-motivated species, so it’s natural for them to be excited about their meals. Scraps from…
Can dogs eat caramel apples? No, while caramel is not explicitly toxic for dogs, it is comprised of raw sugar, which…
Once upon a time, white dog poop was very common. Then, it suddenly disappeared. What happened, and why? In an…
A Tennessee family has much to be thankful for this year. That’s because they’re able to celebrate the holiday with…
Feeding your dog with a bowl and some dry kibble is so old-school. The new way to feed your pup…