As a responsible pet parent, you always want the best for your furry friend. Providing them with a balanced and…
As more people understand the importance of nutrition to their own health, they’re starting to consider what’s in their dog’s…
Question: I know that dogs like meat, but I’d like to feed my dog a vegetarian diet. Is that safe…
Your dog needs certain nutrients for energy, growth, and maintenance. Just like us, dogs require a balanced diet rich in…
There are lots of right ways to feed dogs. You can give your dog dry or canned food, cook for…
Giving your dog people food is a hotly debated topic. Many people have heard over the years that dogs must…
Safe, healthy ways to share meals with your favorite dog!
Fat is not fit. As with people, overweight dogs are more prone to health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease,…
The majority of dog owners feed nothing but processed foods to their pets. That percentage was close to 100 just…