Dogs, despite all their roughhousing, running, and rolling-around-in-the-mud tendencies, don’t need to take a bath every day. And thank goodness,…
Bath time can be trickier for senior dogs who deal with arthritis, skin conditions, blindness, and more. When bathing your…
If there's one thing that most dogs universally dislike, it might be a nice bath. Okay, maybe not all dogs…
One of our DogTime fans has questions for Dear Labby about a dog who goes wild after bath time. Why…
We bathe almost every day, but limit our dogs' grooming needs to bathing once every couple of weeks to every…
Dr. Robert Hilton, a veterinarian specializing in veterinary dermatology, suggests pet owners may be over-bathing their dogs. Check out what…
Here are some methods to help pave the way for an enjoyable experience for both of you:
Good grooming is an important part of your dog's life, keeping him healthy and happy.
Some dogs' glands must be expressed manually or the sacs become infected or impacted. If your dog scoots on his…