Can dogs eat parsley? Maybe you’ve been chopping up some parsley to sprinkle on top of a dinner dish and found yourself wondering if you could share some with your pooch. If humans can eat parsley, can dogs safely eat it too?
The short answer is yes, dogs can eat parsley. Serving parsley to your dog can have a number of benefits, including freshening up their breath, providing vital vitamins, and even helping out with urinary tract infections.
Just make sure to only serve a smallish amount of parsley to your dog, and avoid feeding parsley to pregnant canines.
As always, you must ask your regular vet before going ahead and sharing any human food with your beloved pooch, including parsley. Here’s what you need to know about parsley and dogs.
How Is Parsley Good For Dogs?
You might not have considered feeding garden herbs to your dog, but parsley can be a great and safe addition to your dog’s diet. First of all, parsley has good amounts of the vitamins A and C along with decent levels of antioxidants.
When it comes to the benefits of parsley, it can help to alleviate urinary tract infections. It can also freshen up any cases of particularly stinky dog breath.
How Can I Safely Give Parsley To My Dog?

First of all, avoid serving parsley to pregnant dogs. This is because, in some cases, parsley can cause muscle contractions. Similarly, dogs who are experiencing kidney issues should also avoid parsley as it may lead to kidney stones.
When serving parsley to a dog, it’s best to keep it to a smaller amount and use it as an embellishment to any existing meals. Try chopping up parsley and sprinkling it over a bowl of wet food. If you make your own dog treats, experiment with adding some parsley to the mix.
Does your dog enjoy parsley as part of their regular meals? What other herbs do you share with your pup? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!