We don’t like to think about it, but from time to time, our dogs get sick. Sometimes those ailments cause our pups pain. Don’t feel like a bad pet parent if this happens to you; it’s all par for the course.
However, it’s vital that you learn and know the signs, especially of the more serious infections dogs can get. One of the more common infections in dogs is tooth infection. These can become dangerous if not taken care of, not to mention the amount of pain they will cause your dog.
So here are a few things to look out for that might mean your dog has a tooth infection. If you see these signs, get to the vet!
1. Dropping Or Refusing To Eat Hard Foods And Treats
This is always a major sign that something is off. Dogs are generally pretty food driven, so if something is hindering their intake of food, it’s safe to bet that something is wrong.
See if switching to a soft food helps in this regard. If it does, your dog might be having an issue with their chompers.
Be attentive and make sure you are keeping an eye out for other factors, too!
2. Not Chewing On Hard Toys

If your dog has a favorite toy that they’re no longer playing with, take note. Or if they’re making whining noises or whimpering as they chew, this is another sign that they might be feeling pain.
Blood could also be a factor with a tooth infection, so make sure you keep an eye on your dog if they’re already exhibiting any of the other symptoms listed here. If you see blood on their toys or coming from their mouth, get to the vet.
3. Favoring One Side Of Their Mouth Or Face
If your pup isn’t wanting you to touch one side of their face, that may be a sign of pain. Sometimes growling or showing teeth may go hand in hand with this.
Remember not to be alarmed! Your dog is communicating with you the only way they know how.
Them rubbing or scratching one side of the face consistently may also be a sign of irritation. If your dog is ever favoring one side of their mouth in any way, be sure to keep a lookout for other signs and inspect thoroughly. If symptoms persist, a visit to your vet is highly recommended.
4. Bad Breath

This one might be hard to determine because some dogs just have stinkier breath than others, but it’s worth noting that if your dog’s breath is especially bad or worse than normal, it could be a sign of infection.
If this is coupled with the above signs or anything else that seems suspect, it’s vital to take your pup to a vet as soon as possible.
Tooth infections can become serious very fast. Do not ignore these symptoms if your dog begins to exhibit any of them.
Has your dog ever had a tooth infection? What were the symptoms that let you know something was wrong? Let us know in the comments below!
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