Can dogs eat apples? Yes, apples are safe and nutritious for dogs. These fruits are full of nutrients that can be beneficial to your dog’s health, but there are some dangers to look out for, such as cores and seeds. With proper preparation and moderation, however, apples are perfectly safe for dogs to eat.
That being said, it’s a good rule of thumb to seek guidance from your veterinarian before introducing any human food to your dog. Here’s everything you should consider before treating your pup to a delicious apple snack.
Are Apples Good For Dogs?

Yes, apples are a highly nutritious treat for dogs. They’re low-calorie, a bountiful source for nutrients vital to canine health, and they’re even good for your pup’s teeth and breath.
Apples contain the following beneficial nutrients:
- Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a powerful antioxidant that defends both human and dog from harmful free radicals. Just one apple provides a human being with 10% of their daily recommended dose;
- Additional Antioxidants, such as quercetin, catechin, and chlorogenic acid, also support brain and muscle function with anti-inflammatory effects;
- Fiber serves to lower blood sugar levels, while nourishing good bacteria for strong digestive health;
- Carbs & Potassium are also present in large quantities, providing much-needed energy and heart-support;
While apples are a superb source for these nutrients, they will not suffice as a stand-alone dietary supplement. If your dog is in need of such a supplement for medical reasons, you’ll want to go with something engineered for canines and veterinarian-recommended.
Additionally, one apple does contain approximately 19 grams of sugar. So, moderation is absolutely necessary. A couple of slices, a homemade dog treat, or some chopped cubes, once a day, is more than enough. And you can even keep the skin on!
Can Dogs Eat Apples With Skin?

Yes, dogs can eat apples with skin (or peel). The waxy exterior of an apple, or its peel, is actually very fiber rich. So, it’s not only safe for your dog to consume, it packs a nutrient punch. However, an excessive amount of peel could potentially get stuck in your dog’s teeth. And not even us humans enjoy that.
It’s generally recommended to thoroughly wash all fruit you feed to your dog, especially if they’ll be consuming the outer layer. We also recommend buying organic, to limit your dog’s exposure to harmful pesticides (as well as your own!).
What Kind of Apples Can Dogs Have?

Can dogs eat green apples? How about fuji? Or pink ladies? Yes, dogs can eat green apples and every other kind. However, not all flavors of apples are enjoyed by every dog. Green apples, for instance, are quite tart. Your dog may prefer the sweeter varietals of apple, like a pink lady, or even a more standard red apple.
Sometimes dogs really enjoy green apples as mix-ins for their food, so keep this in mind. Shred an apple with peeler or grater, and then mix it in with their regular dog food as a special treat.
What About Caramel Apples, or Applesauce?

No, dogs should not consume caramel apples or sweetened and/or spiced applesauce. Both of these, as well as other tasty apple concoctions like apple pie, have too much sugar for dogs. Additionally, these derivatives usually have greatly reduced fiber-content, eliminating one of the apple’s most beneficial nutrients.
Caramel, as we know, is entirely sugar. And applesauce is often made with nutmeg, which is toxic for dogs. However, an unsweetened variety of applesauce, without any dangerous spices or additives, is okay.
Unfortunately, diabetes is prevalent in canines and consuming the concentrated sugar in these foods is asking for trouble. Not to mention, it’s a very expensive ailment for you to treat and is life-long.
- Diabetes Insipidus & Diabetes Mellitus In Dogs
- Chronic Mouth Inflammation and Ulcers in Dogs
- Magnesium Deficiency in Dogs
How to Safely Give Apples to Your Dog

Simple, but diligent, preparation ensures the safe feeding of apples for a dog.
- To start, thoroughly wash any store-bought fruit;
- Then, slice the apple open and fully remove the core and seeds. Apple seeds contain small amounts of cyanide, which can cause serious harm to a small dog, and can certainly cause discomfort for a larger breed. Removing the core also ensures that there’s nothing for your dog to choke on;
- Cut the apple into small, thin slices or cubes;
Additionally, be mindful of how much apple you’re giving to your dog. All human foods should be given in moderation, with the size of the dog fully considered.
- 20lbs (and under): 1-2 pieces daily, under 1/2 inch pieces;
- 30lbs (and under): 2-3 pieces, under 1 inch pieces;
- 50lbs (and under): 5-6 pieces, under 1 inch pieces;
- 90lbs (and under): small handful, under 1 inch pieces;
- 90lbs+: large handful, under 1 inch pieces;
If your dog happens to get into your apple supply, or gets into a batch of fallen apples from a tree, keep close watch. As mentioned, apple seeds contain cyanide. This toxin blocks the cells from needed oxygen, which can cause heart and brain malfunction. If your dog shows any of the following symptoms, call the Pet Poison Hotline.
- Loss of Consciousness;
- Erratic or Slowed Heartbeat;
- Red-Tinted Mucus Within Mouth/Nose;
- Nausea, Vomiting, or Convulsions;
- Difficulty Breathing & Dilated Pupils;
Apple Homemade Dog Treats

Instead of giving your pup those sugar-laden apple foods, try making homemade dog treats with apple. There are a wealth of recipes out there for dog lovers, but here are a few of our absolute favorites.
- Apple Frozen Yogurt Doggy Pops: Apple pieces blended with a sugar and xylitol-free yogurt, frozen into a popsicle tray, makes for a delightful dog-safe frozen treat. Try it here;
- Apple Doggy Smoothie: Blend apples with other DogTime-approved fruits like strawberries or bananas to freshen up that doggy bowl. Try it here;
- Frozen Stuffed Apple KONG: Or, take that smoothie concoction and freeze it inside of your dog’s favorite KONG toy. This is an especially fun treat for your dog on a hot summer day. Try it here;
- DIY Dehydrated Apple Snaps: Store-bought apple chips usually come with a load of additives, preservatives, and extra sugar content. DIY them instead! With a dehydrator, make your own healthy apply snap treats. Try it here;