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Reference (Page 49)
My dog is getting on in years. She's got arthritis and a heart murmur. I love her and I'm going…
Question: My dog and I are going to be moving from New York to Los Angeles. What is required for…
Estate planning for pets is an important consideration for pet owners who want to ensure the well-being of their beloved…
Question: Do you find that most people make provisions in their wills or elsewhere for the care of their pets?…
Question: Can you tell me which states have pet trust statutes? Answer: Here is a list of the 38 states…
Question: I just got a new dog and would like to include her in our family’s disaster readiness plan. What…
Guide to buying a seatbelt for your dog or puppy
Question: My dog recently bit my neighbor’s ten-year-old (skin wasn’t broken). She’s not a vicious dog, but legally am I…
7 things you can do to protect your pup and yourself
Every night, when you’re about to drift off to sleep, it starts. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof… The barking from…
Most dog owners will find themselves faced with the agonizing task of asking themselves which is more important–the quality of…
Shock is a life-threatening medical condition wherein the dog’s body has an inadequate flow of blood to the body’s tissues,…
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