It’s the battle of the friendliest! That is to say, there are a lot of dog breeds who rank high for their affectionate nature. But who’s surprised really, there’s a reason they’re called “man’s best friend”! In case you landed on this page because you’re looking for a dog with a heart of gold, check out our list of some of the friendliest dog breeds in the world!
What are the friendliest dog breeds?
1. Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is a cheerful, small dog breed with a lot of love to give. Read more about Bichons.
2. English Bulldog

Despite their tough guy looks, the Bulldog makes for a friendly and easygoing companion who gets along with everyone. Read more about English Bulldogs.
3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The small Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s adorableness and beauty match their friendliness and love for their humans. This breed contends for the title of “top tail-wagger.” Read more about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.
4. Coton de Tulear

As a sweet and cuddly dog breed with a clownish personality, the Coton de Tulear is always ready for a good time. Read more about the Coton.
5. English Setter

Known as “the moderate setter,” the graceful English Setter’s love of people and easygoing nature make this pup a super friend for an active household, as well as a fine hunting dog. As one of the friendliest dog breeds, this dog breed would make an excellent addition to a family. Read more about the English Setter.
6. Flat-Coated Retriever

Tolerant and friendly, Flat-Coated Retrievers love everyone, including children and other dogs. While we adore these dogs for their dashing looks and jubilant personalities, they do have a high risk of cancer. Be sure to do your search on this breed. Read more about Flat Coated Retrievers.
7. Goldador

Loving, devoted, and energetic, Goldador mixed-breed dogs are prized for their good-natured trainability. They make great family members — a natural with kids and social with other pets — as well as valuable service and bomb detection dogs. Read more about Goldadors.
8. Golden Retriever

As one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States, the Golden Retriever’s super-friendly, tolerant attitude makes them a fabulous family pet, and their intelligence makes them a highly capable working dog. Read more about Golden Retrievers.
9. Greyhound

Loyal and affectionate with their family, they don’t react with aggressively toward strangers. However, they will let you know with a bark or a subtle pricking of their small, folded ears when someone approaches your home. Read more about Greyhounds.
10. Havanese

The Havanese shines their affectionate personality on everyone, including strangers, children, other dogs, and even cats. But their family will get the lion’s share of their love. Given the choice, they’ll stick like glue to their owner’s side. Read more about Havanese.
11. Irish Setter

The Irish Setter is fun-loving, playful, and affectionate, always ready for a rollicking good time. Read more about Irish Setters.
12. Labradoodle

The Labradoodle’s quickly-rising popularity comes as no surprise. Originally developed to be hypoallergenic guide dogs, the Royal Guide Dogs Association of Australia arranged the first planned crosses of Poodles and Labrador Retrievers. The breeding resulted a smart and sociable dog who not only possessed a nature appropriate for guide dogs, but also sported a low-shedding coat. Read more about Labradoodles.
13. Labrador Retriever

The Lab earned the reputation of being one of the most sweet-natured breeds, and deservedly so. Above all, they’re outgoing, eager to please, and friendly with both people and other animals. Read more about Labrador Retrievers.
14. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Tollers are smart, independent, and curious. Their personality lies somewhere between that of a Golden Retriever and a Terrier. It’s not unusual for them to have a sense of humor. Also, they generally maintain an outgoing, upbeat attitude. Read more about Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers.
15. Papillon

The happy, alert, friendly Papillon appears in paintings from as far back as the 16th century. Today, they still grace their owners’ laps with their adorably regal personalities. Read more about Papillons.
16. Bernese Mountain Dog

Goofy, smiley, cuddly, and affectionate, the Bernese Mountain Dog radiates sunshine! One of the friendliest dog breeds, they can’t help but love being close to their people. They also drool quite a bit, so be prepared for some extra wet puppy kisses! Read more about Berners.
17. Samoyed

The Samoyed’s fluffy coat protects the intelligent, gentle, and loyal dog underneath all that fur. Friendly and affectionate with his family, including the children, the Samoyed thrives on being part of household activity. Read more about Samoyeds.
18. Shih Tzu

This ancient breed would befriend a stranger in exchange for a little affection. “Shih Tzu” means “little lion;” although, this sweet lapdog snores more often than it roars. Read more about Shih Tzus.
19. Siberian Husky

People adore Huskies for their friendliness and gentle nature. However, they make lousy watchdogs, likely because they just want to make friends with everyone they meet! They are not overly suspicious of strangers, including burglars. Truthfully, they’ll more likely welcome an intruder into your home and invite them to stay for dinner. Read more about Huskies.
20. Vizsla

The Hungarian Vizsla is described as lively, gentle, and affectionate, with above-average learning ability and a strong desire to be with people. Read more about Vizslas.
What kind of dog do you have? Is your dog super friendly? Let us know in the comments below!