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Dog Grooming (Page 4)
My favorite aspect of the company is that they don’t test on animals. The products are tested on humans!
My dog's toenails sometimes bleed after I clip them. What should I do to stop the bleeding?
Some dogs' glands must be expressed manually or the sacs become infected or impacted. If your dog scoots on his…
I'm tired of running to the vet every time my dog develops a hot spot. Can't I just take care…
Winning the war on fleas
If “Bijou’s law” passes in New Jersey, it would regulate the pet-grooming industry in the Garden State by mandating groomers…
Gallery: The Chicago-based Trio Animal Foundation discovered the small pooch in a cage, covered by two pounds of matted fur;…
How can I heal my dog's cracked paw pads?
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