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Advocacy (Page 32)
South Korea is the only country that actually farms dogs and puppies for the dog meat industry.
"I would be very shocked" Sgt. Rachel Montez-Kep told KTLA, "if there was just one person going through these different…
Someone had broken into the shelter the night before and cut the locks off 22 kennels, probably with bolt cutters.
Back home, Bradley could not stop thinking of Pepper and knew that she had to return for her.
Buzu is a dog that was living a lonely life in a cardboard box, on the streets of Romania but…
A dog was tied to a lamp post, just outside a bingo hall, during an unexpected downpour.
PetSmart declined to say what the remodeled space would be used for or to explain why EHR was given only…
The Vanderbilt team has kindly made their affordable design available to the public, so that anyone with a special needs…
They seemed frightened of the world and with no trust of humans. Classic signs of being abandoned, neglected, and possibly…
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