Every day is a good day to celebrate the puppies in our lives for being so adorable and loving. That said, it’s not all fun and excitement. You also need to take some precautions and start training early or those new boots you purchased will be torn to shreds by the aforementioned adorable new pup. Here are a few other annoying — but somehow endearing — things this furry new addition to your family may do, so be prepared!
1. They will follow you everywhere
The phrase “follow you like a puppy dog” exists for a reason.
You need to go to the bathroom and want some privacy? Good luck with that. Puppies are looking for a pack leader, and you know what, buddy? That’s you!
For the first couple of months, get used to your puppy shadowing you 24/7.
2. They find everything a little too exciting
Doorbells, people, loud sounds on the TV, or even a sneeze may send your pup into a barking fit.
If you have a full-length mirror that touches the floor, beware! That mirror has just become both your pup’s best friend and worst enemy.
3. They’ll treat everything as a chew toy

Your puppy’s preferred chew toy might just be the dirty underwear you left sitting on your bedroom floor.
You will be amazed at how much tidier you become a few weeks after getting a puppy. It can be frustrating, but come on — how adorable is your pup with that sock hanging out of their mouth and over their ear?
4. Puppies love mornings
Shifting groggily in your sleep at the crack of dawn is a clear signal to your puppy that it’s time to get up and greet the day. Their morning energy is unfathomable to even the greatest of coffee fiends.
You may not be a morning person, but seeing your pup wag their tail at light speed will make you smile and possibly forget that it’s 5:30 a.m.
5. They’ll turn your bed into a treasure chest

If you’re a pet parent who lets the puppy into your bed, chances are good that your pup has left a few found treasures in there for you.
What you need to know is that your bed will soon become your puppy’s storage locker. You may find things like chew toys, half-eaten treats, and maybe even a few slobbery pairs of your own socks buried way under and between the sheets and blankets.
Please do not move them. That is exactly where they belong!
6. They pee — a lot
Puppies are like babies without diapers. There will be moments when you feel the amount of pee coming out of your puppy defies logic.
Puppies will go outside, pee, and then come inside and pee again!
In the beginning, it’s a good idea to take your puppy outside every hour and let them sniff the grass, just to see if they feel inspired to go. It will save you from a lot of cursing as you scrub your carpets over and over. The fresh air is good for you, too.
7. They lick you — a lot

In theory, a cute puppy licking your face, shouldn’t be annoying.
Puppy kisses are the cutest things ever, but the non-stop licking and kissing can wear out even the most patient pet parent. You may notice that your puppy is licking the lotion off of your hands or legs right after you apply it. And the fact that you just put on makeup isn’t going to mean anything to your brand-new puppy.
Puppies love giving wet puppy kisses all day and all night.
There will be moments of frustration with your new pup. However, they will be balanced with moments of pure love, joy, and happiness. Every dog parent will tell you that it’s totally worth it.