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Dog Behavior (Page 17)
Question: We have a big family with people coming in and out of our home all the time. Are some…
Question: My dog is very territorial. Is there any way to “train” her out of that? Answer: Like most creatures,…
Question: Am I sending my dog mixed messages if he’s allowed on one couch but not the other? Answer: The…
How to treat anxiety in today's dogs
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on puppy chewing problems
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on what to do with dogs who dig
Question: What is animal communication? Answer: Animal communication is the art of speaking to animals intuitively, otherwise known as telepathic…
Question: How do I prevent my dog from getting sensitive about collar grabs? Answer: Twenty percent of dog bites occur…
Question: My dog hates being grabbed by the collar. What can I do? Answer: It’s important to treat the problem.…
Question: How do I train my dog to be polite and well behaved while the rest of us are eating…
Question: What’s the downside of having a smart dog? Answer: Surprisingly, there are quite a few. Smart dogs actually learn…
Question: You say that anybody can talk with their animals. I want to learn, but I don’t think I’m intuitive…
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