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Dog Behavior (Page 16)
Smart as dogs are about some things, they’re not always noted for their intellectual prowess when it comes to investigating…
Max, a Rottweiler, was shot four times by police while his owner was placed under arrest — would the outcome…
Estimates show there are over 70 million dogs living in households across the United States. While the great majority of…
Ian Dunbar takes on Cesar Millan
Anyone who has ever loved a dog might be interested in a new study out of Budapest that sheds light…
Question: How much of a dog’s behavior can be changed by training? Answer: That depends on the dog, the breed…
Question: My dog seems to enjoy having "tasks" to complete — is there a way to keep smart dogs entertained?…
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on how to handle a housetraining problem
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on training your dog not to jump on people
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on dealing with dogs who don't come
This article courtesy of Woof Report answered the question of how dogs perceive time in a past tip, and…
Question: My dog whines whenever I sit down to eat — what can I do? Answer: This is a common…
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