The special bond between humans and dogs is undeniable. For centuries, dogs have been by our sides, not only as faithful companions but also as creatures capable of remarkable intuition about the health and emotional states of their humans. This brings us to an intriguing question that many expectant parents may wonder: Can dogs sense pregnancy in humans? From the subtle changes in behavior to the almost uncanny awareness of their owner’s pregnancy, let’s understand the fascinating relationship between your canine companion and your upcoming journey into parenthood.
Can dogs sense pregnancy?
Yes, dogs can sense pregnancy in humans. Though scientific studies on the subject are limited, anecdotal evidence and observations from dog behaviorists suggest that many dogs can pick up on the physical and emotional changes that accompany pregnancy.
During pregnancy, the levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your blood increase significantly. Initially, in week three, they are approximately at a maximum of 50 mIU/L but can escalate to as high as 426 mIU/L by the fourth week and reach up to 288,000 mIU/L towards the end of the first trimester. Similarly, the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin also see substantial elevation throughout the course of pregnancy.
Interestingly, some of these hormones can alter a person’s scent. Dogs have an extraordinary sense of smell — estimated to be between 10,000 to 100,000 times more acute than ours. As your hormonal levels shift, the subtle changes in your scent are like neon signs to your dog, indicating that something different is happening with you.
When can dogs sense pregnancy in humans?
You may wonder, how early can dogs sense pregnancy? While there is no exact timeline, dogs can sense the hormonal changes in a pregnant person’s body almost immediately after conception. As your pregnancy progresses and your body undergoes more significant changes, your dog’s awareness will likely become more pronounced. However, each dog is different, and some may notice changes much later.
How do dogs sense pregnancy?

When you’re pregnant, it may seem like your dog was the first to know. Even before your announcement, your furry companion may act differently around you. They may offer you extra cuddles or perhaps watch over you with increased vigilance. But how can your dog sense something you’ve only just begun to notice yourself? Here are some factors that may explain how.
Scent changes
As mentioned earlier, your body undergoes significant hormonal changes during pregnancy, which in turn affects your scent. While these changes might be imperceptible to you or other humans, your dog’s highly sensitive nose can detect even the slightest alterations in your natural smell. Dogs have up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about 6 million in humans, giving them an extraordinary ability to smell. This enhanced sense can pick up on the different pheromones and the unique scent your body emits as it undergoes the various stages of pregnancy.
Behavioral and mood shifts
Your behavior and mood can undergo significant shifts during pregnancy, from fluctuating emotions to changes in your daily routine or physical activity. Your dog is a keen observer of your behavior and may notice these changes even before you do. If you’re experiencing morning sickness, altering your eating habits, or simply moving more carefully as your body changes, your dog will pick up on these cues. This attentiveness to your behavior is part of their innate pack mentality, always in tune with the condition and mood of their pack leader — you.
Changes in body language and routine
Pregnancy can lead to adjustments in how you carry yourself and your overall routine. As you progress in your pregnancy, the way you walk, stand, or even sit changes to accommodate the growing life inside you. Your daily routine might also see adjustments, such as more frequent trips to the restroom or changes in your sleeping patterns. Dogs are creatures of habit and highly sensitive to alterations in their environment and the routine of their humans. Therefore, they might respond to these physical and routine changes with a variety of behaviors, ranging from increased affection to acting more protective.
Heightened emotional bond
The bond between you and your dog is not just physical but also emotional. Dogs are incredibly intuitive and can pick up on subtle emotional cues from their human companions. Your emotional changes during pregnancy — including feelings of excitement, anxiety, or exhaustion — can affect your dog. In fact, according to some studies, dogs can even “smell stress” in humans with incredible accuracy. This instinct, coupled with their ability to sense changes in your scent, behavior, and routine, allows dogs to detect pregnancy even in its early stages.
How do dogs act when they sense pregnancy in humans?
Many dog parents report a change in their pet’s behavior during pregnancy. If you’re wondering, “Do dogs get clingy when you’re pregnant?” the answer is yes. Some dogs might become more protective or clingy, seemingly taking on the role of a guardian. Each dog’s reaction can vary, with some becoming more affectionate and others possibly even a bit anxious due to the changes they detect in their environment and their human’s behavior.
Because pregnancy often comes with changes in routine — such as reduced exercise or less attention given to the pet — it’s essential to maintain your dog’s regular exercise and playtime routines as much as possible. This consistency will help alleviate any stress or confusion they may be experiencing.
Signs your dog knows you’re pregnant

If you suspect your furry companion knows about your little secret, you might be right. Here are some signs that your dog senses you’re expecting.
Increased attachment or protectiveness
You might notice that your dog becomes more attached to you or protective. They may follow you around more than usual, lie close to you, or even act as a barrier between you and other people or pets. This change in behavior is due to their recognition of your altered state and a natural instinct to protect their pack member.
Change in affection levels
Dogs react differently to their owner’s pregnancy, with some showing increased affection, constantly wanting to cuddle or touch you. On the other hand, some dogs might become a bit withdrawn, perhaps unsure of the changes they sense in you. Monitoring these shifts in affection will help you recognize your dog’s awareness of your pregnancy.
Alteration in activity levels
Your dog’s activity levels may change in response to your pregnancy. If they sense you are not up for high-energy games, they might reduce their activity levels to match yours. Conversely, if they sense you need more protection, they might become more vigilant or active, keeping a closer eye on their surroundings.
Sniffing or nuzzling your belly
As your pregnancy progresses, don’t be surprised if your dog starts showing a keen interest in your belly, sniffing or gently nuzzling it. This behavior indicates they sense the changes within you, possibly even hearing your baby’s heartbeat or feeling the baby move as your pregnancy advances.
Sensitivity to your emotions
Dogs are highly sensitive to their owners’ emotional states. Your emotional fluctuations during pregnancy might result in your dog being more attentive and trying to comfort you when you feel down or anxious. They can pick up on subtle cues and changes in your behavior or hormones, indicating their awareness of your condition.
Change in sleeping patterns
Your dog may change where they sleep in response to your pregnancy, perhaps choosing to sleep closer to you than before. This behavior can signify their desire to protect you and the new baby or simply a reflection of their need to be near you during this changing time.
Can a dog hear a baby in the womb?
Yes, your dog may indeed be able to hear a baby in the womb. Similar to their exceptional sense of smell, dogs have remarkably sensitive hearing and can detect sounds far beyond the range of human ears. By the third trimester, when the baby starts actively moving and even hiccuping, some of those sounds could potentially be within a dog’s hearing range. While it’s challenging to definitively say what sounds a dog can hear from the womb, given the unique acoustics involved, it’s certainly within the realm of possibility that they’re picking up on something.
Can your dog tell when you’re going into labor?

There isn’t a clear-cut answer to whether dogs can detect the onset of labor. However, as delivery day approaches and your body undergoes last-minute changes, your dog may take notice. Consequently, your pet might exhibit increased protectiveness and attachment, closely following you around to ensure your well-being. This phenomenon has been observed by many expectant mothers.
For instance, if you experience Braxton-Hicks contractions, your dog may notice your discomfort and become visibly concerned. Your walking style may also alter as the baby positions itself for birth, something your dog might notice. Furthermore, your natural body odor might undergo a subtle shift just before you go into labor due to changes in the hormone levels, which could trigger a response in your pet. Therefore, if your dog’s behavior changes as your due date approaches, it could be a sign that labor is imminent.
Can dogs sense a miscarriage in humans?
According to dog coach Sissy Leonie Kreid, an expert in animal sciences from Wageningen University in the Netherlands, “Dogs can smell pheromones and with pregnancy or after a miscarriage, there’s a change in their owner’s scent.” Kreid notes that the alterations in your hormonal chemistry not only affect you but can also influence your dog’s behavior in a significant way.
Additionally, the impact of a miscarriage on a dog’s perception is not solely based on scent. Kreid, who founded Akademie Hund in Germany, points out that after such a loss, your emotional state and behavior inevitably change. You might find yourself grappling with sadness or despair, emotions that are as clear as day to your devoted dog. They don’t understand why you’ve suddenly changed, but they sense that something significant has happened.
Preparing your pet dog for your new baby
Introducing a new member to your family is a big change for everyone, including your pet. Gradually introduce your dog to the sights, sounds, and smells they will experience once the baby arrives. Allow them to explore the baby’s nursery and familiarize themselves with baby-related items — like cribs and strollers — under supervision. Consider obedience training if necessary and always supervise interactions between your dog and your baby to ensure the safety and well-being of all. By understanding and attending to your dog’s behavior during your pregnancy, you can maintain the special bond you share and nurture their relationship with your soon-to-arrive baby.